Frequently Asked Questions

How do I post an ad?

If you have not already done so, start by going to the 'Register Free Account'' tab located at the bottom of the 'LogIn' window on the upper right side of the Post and Core website to set up your free account.

Once you have registered, if your information has not filled the 'Login' fields automatically, go back to the 'Login' window to enter your e-mail address and password manually.

Select your city from the lists provided on the 'Choose Location' screen. This can be accessed by selecting the 'Browse Ads' tab initially or you can select your city by using the 'Change City' link at the top of the page just below the login window.

Select the 'Post An Ad' tab which will then display the ad posting form.

Complete all compulsory fields. You will be prompted to complete any compulsory fields that have been missed.

Website URL inclusion, Map Address, Price, and Image uploading (from 0-6 allowed) are optional fields.

Once you have composed your ad and completed all compulsory and selective non-compulsory fields...

Select the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.

Any compulsory fields that have been omitted will be brought to your attention for completion at this time.

A preview of your completed ad will appear along with a link allowing you to edit your ad, if necessary, at this time.

There is no need to do anything further as your ad is now live and online!

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